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18歳以下の腰椎椎間板ヘルニア手術例は,当科本手術例全体の2.3%に相当する10例(男6,女4)であった.BMI 25以上の肥満症例を5例(50%)に認め,誘因としてスポーツが4例(40%)で関与していた.MRI撮像6例中,4例(66.7%)で当該椎間板以外の変性を,CTでは椎間関節非対称性を4例(40%)に認めた.臨床像は下肢伸展挙上テスト(SLR),腰痛の障害度に著しい特徴があった.ヘルニアは被膜下脱出が9例(90%)を占め,apophysis解離は3例(30%)に上った.手術よる改善率(平林法)は83.1%と良好であった.
We analyzed 10 cases (2.3%) of lumbar disc hernia treated surgically in patients under 18 years old. Five patients (50%) were obese and had a body mass index (BMI) over 25. In four cases (40%) symptoms were induced by sports activity. MRI revealed all of the disc except the herniated disc as low intensity in 66.7% of the cases. CT examinations revealed an asymmetrical facet joint in 40% of the cases. Straight leg raising and low back pain were the most prominent finding and symptom judging from the JOA scores. The disc herniation was the contained type in 90% of the cases. Dissociated ring apophysis was present in 30% of the cases. All patients recovered well clinically. A good recovery rate (Hirabayashi) of 83.1% was obtained.

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