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The authors report a rare case of acute cervical epidural hematoma caused by the hemorrhage from ex-tradural arterio-venous malformation. The patient was a 74-year-old Japanese man with a past history of total gastrectomy after being diagnosed as having gastric cancer 12 years before. Six hours prior to admission, the patient had experienced a sudden episode of severe nuchal pain radiating to both scapular areas, followed by rapid development of left-side Brown-Sequard Syn-drome below the C4 cord level, and urinary inconti-nence. Plain cervical X-ray films did not show any des-tructive lesion suggesting a metastatic tumor. T1 and T2 weighted images of MRI demonstrated a high in-tensity mass lesion, suggesting an acute epidural hema-toma, extending from C3 to C6 and compressing se-verely the left side spinal cord posteriorly. Twelve hours after the onset of symptoms, emergen-cy laminectomy from C3 to C6 was performed and a fresh epidural clot with small vascular tissue was total-ly removed. Histological examination of the small vascular tissue in the hematoma revealed arterio-venous malformation. The postoperative recovery of the pa-tient was dramatic. He regained full muscle strength and there was complete disappearance of sensory de-ficits 2 weeks after the operation.
Although acute spinal epidural hematoma caused by extradural arterio-venous malformation is a rare clinical entity, MRI is the most helpful diagnostic tool for this condition. It should be stressed that accurate neuro-radiological diagnosis and prompt surgical decompres-sion of the spinal cord are essential to obtain an excel-lent surgical outcome.

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