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吻合前LCBFは対照値に比し有意に低下しており,吻合後有意に増加した。吻合前CO2反応性は全例対照値以下で著明に低下しており,66.7%の症例では0%/mmHg以下のinverse steal effectを呈した。吻合後CO2反応性は改善したが,症例によりその変化は多様で,著明に改善する症例も存在した。吻合前CO2反応性が低下している症例の方が,吻合前局所脳血流量はより少なく,吻合後LCBFの増加量も多くCO2反応性もより改善した。
虚血性脳血管障害では,CO2反応性が障害されており,inverse steal effectの症例も存在した。吻合術により術前CO2反応性が低い症例ほどLCBF, CO2反応性ともより改善した。
We evaluated the effects of the STA-MCA anas-tomosis on local cerebral blood flow (LCBF) and CO2 cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) in ischemic cerebrovascular diseases (CVD). [Patients and Methods] We examined the LCBF and CVR of 21 patients with ischemic CVD subjected standard STA-MCA anastomosis. During surgery, LCBF was continuously measured using the thermal diffusion method sometimes in a state of decreased PaCO2 (median : 7.2mmHg) before and after bypass. CVR was represented as %ΔLCBF/ΔCO2. [Results] 1) In the control group (with non-ruptured aneurysm, n=7), LCBF was 58.6±14.1ml/100g/min and ΔLCBF/ΔCO2 was 4.68±1.68%/mmHg. 2) Before bypass, LCBF was 46.7±10.3ml/100g/min. It was significantly (p<0.05) lower than control level. After bypass, LCBF increased significantly (p< 0.05) to 62.0±14.3ml/100g/min. 3) Before bypass, %ΔLCBF/ΔCO2 was -1.36±4.34%/mmHg. In the 14 cases (66.7%), %ΔLCBF/ΔCO2 was below the 0%/mmHg (inverse steal effect). 4) After bypass, it increased to 0.08±2.73%/mmHg. 11 cases (52.4%) showed %ΔLCBF/ΔCO2 was above the 0%/mmHg. 5) In the group with a preoperative %ΔLCBF/ΔCO2 of less than 0%/mmHg, preoperative LCBF was 43.6±9.3ml/100g/min, which was significantly low (p<0.01) compared to that in the group with higher %ΔLCBF/ΔCO2. After bypass, LCBF and % ΔLCBF/ΔCO2 remarkably increased in the group with %ΔLCBF/ΔCO2 below 0%/mmHg. [Conclu-sion] Before bypass, LCBF was low and CVR was severely disturbed. In the 14 cases %ΔLCBF/ΔCO2 was below 0%/mmHg. After bypass, LCBF and CVR was improved. The operation exerted a favor-able effect in the low %ΔLCBF/ΔCO2 group.

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