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PROGNOSTIC EVALUATION OF SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE BY AUDITORY BRAINSTEM EVOKED POTENTIALS (BAEPs) Masanao Nakamura 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine pp.273-281
Published Date 1989/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406206278
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Auditory brainstem evoked potentials (BAEPs) reflect activities of the brainstem auditory pathway and the influence of activities of structures sur-rounding the pathway. It is said that BAEPs are reliable in predicting the outcome of patients with severe brain damage. The author studied the relationship between initial BAEP findings, parti-cularly interpeak latencies of waves I to V and waves Ill to V, and mortality as based on the cause of each disorder.

BAEPs were sequentially recorded in 241 cases of various neurological diseases resulting in severe brain damage (GCS<8) during the first few days after onset.

BAEPs were graded into four groups based on initial findings. Group A : all waves I to V were recorded (159 cases). Group B: waves N & V absent (11 cases). Group C: either wave I orwaves I & If only were recorded (28 cases), Group D : all waves absent. Prognosis in Group B & C was poor, only two patients surviving in a vagetative state. There were no survivors in Group D.

The relationship in Group A between interpeak latencies (I-V ipl,III-V ipl) and prognosis is discussed. This group consisted of 41 cases sub-arachnoid hemorrhage, 29 cases hypertensive intra-cerebral hemorrhage, 5 cases severe cerebral infarc-tion, 21 cases infratentorial cerebral vascular disease, 49 cases supratentorial severe head injury, and 14 cases infratentorial head injury.

In deceased cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage and supratentorial head injury, there was signifi-cant prolongation of I-V ipl and III-V ipl over the mean latency of 20 normal subjects plus 2SD. The difference in initial BAEP findings between the deceased and survivors was significant (P< 0.001). I reasoned that subarachnoid hemorrhage cases received primary brainstem damage similar to that of head injury cases and that poor prog-nosis could be predicted by initial BAEP findings. On the other hand, there was no significantdifference between prognosis and initial BAEP findings in cases of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage and severe cerebral infarction. In both deceased and surviving cases of infratentorial lesions, there was longer than normal interpeak latencies, and there was no difference in initial BAEP findings. It therefore is difficult in such cases to estimate prognosis on the basis of BAEP interpeak latencies.

In the relationship between neurological signs and interpeak latencies, the prolongation of latency was mainly related to the disappearance of oculo-cephalic response.

We carried out ICP monitoring in 51 cases but there was no significant relationship between mean ICP and interpeak latencies.

BAEPs monitoring would appear to be a useful clinical method for prognosis of severe brain damage. Particularly, prolonged interpeak laten-cies of over mean +2SD can indicate poor progno-sis in cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage and supra-tentorial severe head injury.

Copyright © 1989, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


