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TUBULAR BODIES (WEIBEL-PALADE) IN THE ENDOTHELIAL CELL OF GLIOBLASTOMA Mitsusuke Miyagami 1 , Takashi Tsubokawa 1 1Department of Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine, Nihon University pp.277-285
Published Date 1985/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205481
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Authors have studied the ultrastructure of endothelial cells in the microvessels of malignantand benign gliomas and in particular, the numbers of tubular bodies (Weibel-Palade) in endothelial cells of glioma microvessels in related with blood vessel proliferation. Glioblastoma 6, astrocytoma grade II 1, oligodendroglioma 1 and 2 samples of non-tumor brain tissue were analyzed quantitati-vely using light and electron microscope with Karnovski fixative.

All tissues were obtained from the center, the intermediate and the margin in each tumor tissue and justoutside of the tumor at operation. 389 microvessels were examined in the total glio-mas elctronmicroscopically.

Tubular body was first described by Weibel and Palade in the vascular endothelial cells of various organs in both man and animals. This is now con-sidered to be an organelle specific to the endothe-lial cell, but its function is still unknown. Tubular body observed in the endothelial cells of the glio-mas vessels consisted of a membrane-limited round, oval or elongated shaped intra cytoplasmic body (about 0.1-0. 2 rem) which contained tubules of 150-200 Å outer diameter. Tubular bodies were classified in the two types. One of them (mature type) was relatively electron dense to be more compact, the other (immature type) had relatively pale matrix. In the immature type they are loca-ted in close proximity to the Golgi complex or endoplasmic reticulum.

Mean % ratio of the endothelial cells including tubular bodies to whole endothelial cells were 15.7 %(center), 32.4% (margin), and 17% (justoutside) in the glioblastoma and 5% (non-tumor tissue). How-ever, mean % ratio of that in benign glioma were 5% and there were no difference in each localization.

Tubular bodies were common only in the endo-thelial cells in the marginal zones of glioblastoma with respect to the increased microvessels. In the endothelial cells of glioblastoma they are appeared consistent with neovascularity more prominently comparing with benign glioma. It is suggested that large numbers of tubular bodies may be a marker for proliferating endothelial cells.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


