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Enlargement of the sella turcica on the X-ray films is important finding which by itself suggests some sellar and parasellar pathology. On the other hand, it is the essential condition for the diagnosis of pituitary "microadenomas" that the sella turcica is of normal size without ballooning. Thus, it becomes the crucial point to know the normal range of the sellar size. The normal range of the di-mensions of the sella turcica among caucasians has been well known through the works of DiChiro or of others, Among Japanese people, however, the normal upper limit of the sellar size on radiogra-phical measurements have not yet been established. The present work has been undertaken to define the normal values of the sellar size in the Japanese using the skull X-ray films of 1,000 subjects who have no known neurological diseases. The age of the subjects ranged from 0 to 85, 562 of them being males and the rest females. The A-P length (L), the height (H) and the width (W) of the sella turcica were measured in lateral and postero-anterior projections. The sellar valume and square were calculated through our formula using above three measurements. In addition, the forms of sella turcica and sphenoid sinus in lateral projection and configuration of the sellar floor in postero-anterior projection were classified into several types. Our results can be summerized as follows;
1) The configuration of the sellar floor in postero-anterior projection were classified into 6 types.
1) flat: 54.9%
2) inclined: 14.3%
3) concave: 11.2%
4) convex: 9.6%
5) V-shaped: 9.0%
6) reversed V-shaped: 0.3%
2) The forms of the sella turcica in lateral pro- jection were classified into 5 categories.
1) U-shaped: 64.3%
2) oval: 21.2%
3) global: 9.0%
4) flat: 5.0%
5) J-shaped: 0.6%
3) The degree of pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus was divided into 3 types. The airation of sphenoid sinus was found to become promi- nent with increasing age.
1) concha: 3.2%
2) presellar: 17.0%
3) sellar: 79.8%
4) Some expansive apperance of the sella turcica like ballooning was noted in 3.3% of the normals and erosive changes of the sellar floor in 3.5%. The double floor was found in 7.2%.
5) The normal range of the three dimensional values of the sella turcica in adults were
L: 12.0±3.5mm (mean±2SD)
H: 8.9±2.6mm
W: 14.5±5.8mm
The calculated volume and square of the sella turcica using our formula were highly correlated with the above values, so that the size of the sella can be simply represented by L or H. The normal upper limits of 'L' and 'H' are 15.5 mm and 11.5mm respectively.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.