

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF THE EFFECT OF INTRACEREBRAL HEMATOMA ON CEREBRAL CIRCULATION AND METABOLISM Akira Suzuki 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Iwate Medical University, School of Medicine pp.143-152
Published Date 1980/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204538
  • Abstract
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Intracerebral hematoma was experimentally prod-uced into basal ganglia with autogenous blood in 16 mongrel dogs. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and regional oxygen tension in cortex, in thalamus and in mesencephalon were measured by hydrogen clearance method and by oxygen 3 hours after injection of hematoma. During each measure-ments, arterial and venous blood were sampled from axillary artery and transverse sinus for gas-ometric analysis. Systemic blood pressure in femo-ral artery and cerebrospinal fluid pressure (CSF-P) in cisterna magna were continously monitored. Oxygen consumption was calculated by multipling rCBF by arterio-venous oxygen content difference.

After injection of hematoma, 1) rCBF in cortex, thalamus and mesencephalon was decreased re-spectively, and no remarkable recovery of the rCBF was found during the experiments. Further, there was no significant difference between the changes of rCBF in each part of the dog brain. 2) A gradual increase of arterio-venous oxygen content difference was found. 3) The calculated oxygen consumption of cortex, thalamus and mesencephalon was remarkablly decreased respectively, and was remained in low level during 3 hours. 4) CSF-P was showed a transient increase in the first 10 minutes, and was increased gradually again after 2 hours. 5) Oxygen tension in carotid artery, detected by oxygen electrode, showed a gradual decrease during the experiments. 6) Oxygen ten-sion in cortex, in thalamus and in mesencephalon was remarkablly decreased, while a gradual recover was found during the experiments. Oftenly, the oxygen tension in cortex and in thalamus showed an overshot response. In contrast, the oxygen tension in mesencephalon showed recovery only.

With these results, 1) It was clear that the intracerebral hematoma decreased not only rCBF but also blood flow of whole brain by reason of increased of (A-V)02 and decreased of oxygen tension in common carotid artery. Furthermore there was no remarkable recovery of cerebral cir-culation during the experiments. 2) By re-increase of CSF-P, brain edema or brain swelling might be existed after injection of hematoma. 3) Increase of the oxygen tension in the dog brain 2 hours after injection of hematoma could be due to de-crease of oxygen consumption in each parts. The calculated oxygen consumption, however, decreased at early time after injection of hematoma. This results might be incorrect, because the oxygen consumption was calculated by multipling rCBF by (A-V)02. Since, the (A-V)02 was changed by whole brain. Therefore, the actual decreased of cerebral oxygen consumption might be started about 2 hours after injection of the intracerebral hematoma.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


