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The concentrations of serum immunoglobulins(IgG, IgM, IgA) in 63 patients of primary braintumors were determined by the method of singleradial immunodiffusion.
1) The mean values and standard deviations ofthree major serum immunoglobulins in 18 cases ofmeningioma were as follows; IgG, 1297.0±387.9mg/dl, IgM, 165.1±153.4 mg/dl, IgA, 219.5±76.7mg/dl. These values were not significantly differentwith those in normals.
2) 45 cases of gliomas showed; IgG, 1190.5±378.3 mg/dl, IgM, 160.0±75.9 mg/dl, IgA, 189.8±91.5 mg/dl. These values were in normal levelsas compared with normal serum immunoglobulins.
3) Values of serum immunoglobulins in 19 casesof glioblastoma multiforme were compared withthose in 18 cases of astrocytoma to know therelationship between histological malignancy andlevels of serum immunoglubulins. But no signi-ficant difference was observed between these values.
The levels of three major serum immunoglobulinseither in meningiomas or in gliomas were notsignificantly different with those in normals. There-fore, the levels of serum immunoglobulins couldnot be used as a diagnotic procedure in cases ofprimary brain tumors.

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