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輓近に於ける癩癇症研究の進歩は著しいものがある。特に従来真性癩癇症と思われたものでも,John Hughings Jacksonの焦点的理論と,その後の電気生理学的研究による限局性異常波,即ち"Spike-focus"の発見とにより焦点が決定され,焦点性癩癇として取扱われるものが非常に多くなつて来た。就中精神運動発作はこの焦点的考えの最たるものであつてPenfield, Jasper, Gibbs等により脳波的解剖学的に側頭葉に焦点を有することが明らかにされてからは,側頭葉発作の大部分を占めるものが精神運動発作であると考えられる様になつた。
吾々も過去四年間に約200例の焦点性癩癇に開頭術を施行し良好なる成績を得たが,最近精神運動発作を伴える側頭葉Haemoangioma calcifi-cansの1例を経験したので主として痙攣発作の様式及び病理組織学的変化に就いて報告する。
One case of so-called "Haemoangioma calci-ficans", having psychomotor seizure, has been studied. The result are as follows.
1) The patient, a female student, 12 aged, had complained of unconsciousness attacks for 10 years, rarely with major seizure and was diagnosed as psychomotor seizure.
2) The main pathological changes in cor-tex were tumor found in operation. It was in the whole region of temporal lobe. The tumor; 7.0-4.5-3.5 (cm.) in size, 40 gm. in weight, dark brown in colour.It was success-fully removed by operation.
3) The histopathological changes were si-milar to a haemoangioma and consist of dense capillaries of irregular shape. Their walls were thickened and calcified. The above-men-tioned finding is "Haemoangioma calcificans", named by Penfield.
4) The post-operative course was excelle-nt. She has not any failing symptoms exce-pt for hemianopsia homonima and became free from psychomotor seizure and major at-tacks.
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