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要旨 本症例は,急性発症の核上性左顔面神経麻痺および舌下神経麻痺のみを呈し,経過を一貫して上下肢の麻痺,感覚障害は認められなかった54歳男性。頭部CT,MRIにて右前頭頭頂葉皮質から白質にかけて梗塞巣を認め,皮質性脳神経麻痺と考えられた。保存的治療により,顔面神経麻痺は軽快したが,半年後も舌下神経麻痺は明らかに残存していた。皮質障害により,脳神経麻痺のみを呈する脳梗塞の症例は稀有であり,日常臨床でも脳神経麻痺の鑑別として脳血管障害を検討することが重要であることを示唆する貴重な症例と考え報告する。
We describe a case presenting with facial and hypoglossal nerve paresis due to cortical cerebral infarction. A 54-year-old man visited our hospital complaining of sudden episode of dysarthria and facial paresis. Neurological findings revealed tongue deviation to the left and left facial paresis with forehead wrinkling while neither limb paralysis nor sensory impairment was observed. Head CT performed on day 3 after onset revealed a cortical infarction in the right prefrontal gyrus. Symptoms gradually improved with medical management. This patient had isolated facial and hypoglossal nerve paresis without other neurological symptoms. Patients with mild paresis of cranial nerves should be diagnosed carefully, because their paresis could be supranuclear type.
(Received : June 9, 2004)

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