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要旨 頭痛のみで発症した前大脳動脈解離性動脈瘤の1手術例を経験した。
The authors reported the first case of a dissecting aneurysm of the anterior cerebral artery(ACA) presenting only with headache successfully treated by trapping. A 23―year―old man was admitted to our department due to headache. CT scan and MRI showed neither hemorrhage nor infarction. Angiography demonstrated an aneurysmal dilatation at the right A1 segment with venous pooling which suggested a dissecting aneurysm. We performed trapping and resection of the aneurysm without neurological deficits. The natural history of intracranial dissecting aneurysm without ischemia and/or hemorrhage is still unclear, and therefore it is controversial about the necessity of surgical intervention. Our case and review of the literature suggest that surgical treatment should be considered even in patients without ischemia and/or hemorrhage, if it is possible in consideration of hemodynamic condition.
(Received : June 3, 2004)

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