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【抄録】 Noonan症候群で精神病様症状を伴ったまれな症例を報告した。症状は,42歳頃,注察妄想,関係妄想で始まり幻聴,自閉などを示した。本例における精神病様症状は,知能発達遅延,性格傾向そして身体的発達障害(特に性的未発達)による適応困難と,職場での適応の破綻から一気に急性精神病症状を呈する形での症状の出現を認めたものと考えられた。
A case of a 42-year-old male with Noonan syndrome and a psychiatric disorder is reported. His clinical features included congenital heart disease cryptorchidism, hypogonadism and mental retardation (IQ=75). His karyotype was 46 XY, inv (9) (p11, q13). At the age of 41 years, he had troubles with his work, and was scolded by his brother for a trifling matter. He developed bizarre behavior, including delusion of reference and persecution, thought insertion, autistic thinking, insomnia and loss of appetite. His borderline intelligence may have played a role in the development of his psychiatric symptoms.

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