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Phenomenological Analysis of a Case of Mood Disorder with Atypical Psychosis Using the Organodynamics and Structural-dynamics Theories Koju INOUE 1 , Satoshi KATO 1 , Katsutoshi SHIODA 1 1Department of Psychiatry, Jichi Medical University, Shimotsuke, Japan Keyword: Atypical psychosis , Mood disorder , Organodynamics theory (Ey) , Dreamy state (Jackson) , Structural-dynamics theory (Janzarik) pp.1179-1189
Published Date 2012/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1405102331
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 Here, we report the case of a patient who presented with diverse and significantly variable psychiatric symptoms. It was difficult to understand the psychopathology of the patient using manipulative diagnostic systems, such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which are more applicable to dormant symptoms. Thus, a flexible diagnostic system that considers diverse, variable psychiatric symptoms was required. The organodynamics theory described by Ey H is one such system.

 For our patient, the transition of psychiatric symptoms coincided with sequences for the “disintegration of field of consciousness” (“déstructuration du champ de la conscience” in French) described by Ey. However, the following 2 aspects are noteworthy. First, “disintegration of field of consciousness” is more likely to be exacerbated in the hypnagogic and hypnopompic transition periods and when the patient wakes up at night, as indicated by the fact that this has been rarely monitored by medical staff. Second, a “clinical leap” out of “disintegration of field of consciousness,” is possible, for example, a confusional state can suddenly emerge from a depressive state.

 Furthermore, the patient exhibited “inverted time consciousness,” which is characteristic of the “dreamy state” described by Jackson JH. We think that the “dreamy state” can emerge in the course of “disintegration of field of consciousness” because the “dreamy state” and “oneiroid state” (described by Ey) are believed to be very close experiences. Hence, we must pay considerable attention to “impending death,” which occurs in the “dreamy state.”

 According to the structural-dynamics theory described by Janzarik W, our patient with premorbid personality showing high innate values of “vital dynamics” and “situation cohesiveness” (described by Otsuka and Kato) had possibly developed “confusional dynamic derailment” (“dynamische Entgleisung” in German), i.e., atypical psychosis through a stage of manic-depression mixed state mainly due to strong psychological burden and antidepressants which can exacerbate “dynamic derailment.”

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電子版ISSN 1882-126X 印刷版ISSN 0488-1281 医学書院


