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Studies on ST depression in exercise stress ECG:Re-evaluation of the treadmill exercise score and diagnostic usefulness of the V5 lead Nobutaka Doba 1 , Toshio Kushiro 2 , Sonoe Hiramatu 1 , Teruko Kitagawa 1 , Michiko Shimodaira 1 , Sachiko Koike 1 , Etsuko Suzuki 1 , Hiroyuki Abe 3 , Noriaki Hayashida 4 , Shigeaki Hinohara 1 1The Life Planning Center 2Dept. of Cardiology, Surugadai Hospital, Nihon Univ. 3Dept. of Radiology, Itabashi Hospital, Nihon Univ. 4Dept. of Internal Med., St. Luke's Hospital pp.1137-1144
Published Date 1985/9/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404204744
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Clinical usefulness of treadmill exercise score (TES) after Hollenberg and others was re-evaluated on 56 patients with angiographically documented coronary artery lesions. The subjects consisted of 37 cases of myocardial infarction and 19 cases of stable angina pectoris. Symptom limited multiphasic treadmill stress testing was adopted for the study and continuously recorded ECG signals obtained from V5 and aVf from the beginning of exercise and to the end of the test were automatically proc-essed for a detailed analysis with CASE (Mar-quette). The all area factor AF-all is defined as a total area derived from four trendgrams of ST-depression and slope from two leads each and is measured with an automatic, digitized planimetry (Planix, error range±0.2%). The TES is obtained from the following formula ; TES= (FA-all)/(TMT x %HRmax), where TMT is treadmill time and %HRmax is percent of the age predicted maximal heart rate.

Statistically significant differences between single vessel and multivessel diseases were observed in the following parameters including not only TES, but also AF-all and AF-V5, and the time to reach 1mm ST depression in V5 and aVf. On the other hand, the magnitude of maximal ST depression in V5 and aVf were not useful to differentiate the severity of coronary lesions. Thus, these more simple parameters than TES were proved to be also useful and beside that, not AF-aVf, but AF-V5 could differentiate the severity of coronary lesions (χ2= 12.663, p 0.01). Sublingual nitroglycerin (0. 3 mg) altered all these parameters except for AF-aVf,and no parameters except for time factors reaching 1mm ST depression in V5 and aVf could specify the effect of exercise training in patients with coro-nary heart disease.

In conclusion, although the clinical usefulness ofTES was reconfirmed, parameters derived from V5 including AF and the time factor for 1mm ST depression in V5 were also reliable to differentiate the severity of coronary lesions and evaluate the effects of various clinical interventional procedures.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


