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われわれも,perfluorochemical emulsionの酸素運搬能,組織酸素化能に着目して,種々の研究を重ねてきた5〜9)。今回は,perfiuorochemical emulsionの中で,生体に直接投与するには最適といわれているFluosol—DAをとりあげ,これで血液希釈を行った場合,脳組織筋組織の組織酸素化が充分行なわれているかどうかを知る目的で,medical massspectrometerを用い,組織酸素分圧,炭酸ガス分圧を測定した。
Perflurochemical emulsion has a high gas solubility. Therefore, it was determined as a substitute of red blood cell. This experimental purpose was to determine the changes in cerebral and muscular gas tension during normo-volemic hemodilution with Fluosal-DA (artificial blood) using medical mass-spectrometer in dogs.
Dogs were anesthetized and were ventilated with 100% oxygen throughout the experiment. Two teflon membrane catheters, attached to medical mass-spectrometer, were inserted into cerebral and muscular tissue. Cerebral and muscular tissue PO2 and PCO2 were measured directly and continuously throughout the ex-periment.

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