

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Cardiopulmonary Disorders of Extreme Obesity, with Particular Reference to Reduction of Body Weight Minoru Nakano 1 1Department of Medicine and Cardiac Clinic, Saitama National Hospital, Baylor University, College of Medicine pp.1051-1057
Published Date 1968/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404201969
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 The follow-up by means of the cardiopulmonary function test was performed in 16 patients of extreme obesity whose body weight had successfully been reduced, and the following conclusions could be obtained.

 1) As far as the ventilatory aspects are concerned, the weight reduction succeeded in increasing the expiratory reserve volume by 60%, the inspiratory capacity by 10% and the vital capacity by 15%, while decreasing the residual volume by 15% on the average, all approaching to their normal limits.

 The pulmonary nitrogen clearance delay percentage which is an indication of the gas distribution in the lung was also decreased by 32%, showing an approach to its normal value.

 2) Improvement was also observed in therespect of gas exchange: the arterial oxygen saturation was increased by 2%, and the venous admixture decreased by 23%.

 3) As regards the cardiopulmonary function, decreases were observed in the ventilation and oxygen consumption but no changes in the arterio-venous oxygen difference, while the cardiac output and cardiac index were decreased to approach to their normal limits.

 These results seem to show how heart failure is induced in obesity: that is to say, obesity is first associated with a restrictive ventilatory impairment and then with disorders of the intrapulmonary blood perfusion and gas distribution together with hypoxaemia, which stimulate the respiratory center with the result of hyperventilation.

 The heart is, on the other hand, continuously laid under an overloaded condition to maintain a high output of blood demanded by the enormous body, which results in the hypertrophy of both ventricles. Further, hypoxaemia attending on obesity has had influences on the myocardiac metabolism and, finally, gives rise to heart failure. However, these results of the present follow-up have demonstrated that such changes are mostly reversible. And it must be emphasized that the physician engaged in treatment of heart failure due to obesity should not give up hope of success since it was satisfactorily treated by the restricted intake of salt and digitalis medication besides the weight reduction.

 Autopsy could be carried out in one case with hypertrophy of the heart, which proved to weigh as heavy as 500g. The increased weight of the heart was mainly attributable to the hypertrophy of the left ventricle: the right ventricle was not a contributing factor. This fact seems to indicate that Pickwickian syndrome is not ascribable to the right ventricular heart-failure alone, but that some other factors in addition to obesity may participate in that syndrome.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


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