

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Ventilatory Disturbance and Dyspnea, with Special Reference to Dyspnea in Mitral Valvular Disease Katsutoshi Moriyama 1 , Kozo Toshishige 1 , Yasushi Suekane 1 , Kunio Kurisu 1 1Department of Medicine, Yamaguchi University Medical School pp.737-744
Published Date 1959/8/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404200804
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In 47 patients with mitral valvular disease or left ventricular failure (Group A), 27 patients with pulmonary diseases (Group B) and 20 patients with other diseases, pulmonary function tests were made with Benedict-Roth type respirometer.

The dyspnea threshold in breathing reserve ratio was within the range of 85 to 75 per cent in Group A, 70 to 60 per cent in Group B. Considering the degree of decrease in vital capacity and functional classification of patients, the difference of dyspnea threshold between Group A and B, suggests that the main cause of dyspnea in Group B is the increase in ventilatory resistance, and in Group A, easy fatiguability of respiratory muscle, increase in respiratory stimulus and of sensitivity of respiratory center seem to be important factors of dyspnea.

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


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