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要旨●鋸歯状腺腫症(serrated polyposis syndrome ; SPS)は鋸歯状病変が多発する多発大腸ポリープであり,遺伝性疾患ではないと考えられている.筆者らは当院で経験したSPSについて家族歴別に臨床病理学的所見の検討を行った.この結果,大腸癌の家族歴を持つSPSでは,癌の家族歴を持たないSPSと比較して,大腸癌の合併頻度が有意に多かった.英国の消化器病学会のガイドラインではSPSの家族歴があり,若年発症,大腸癌合併を呈する場合は遺伝学的検査を推奨するとされている.今回の結果は遺伝性SPSの臨床病理学的特徴を明らかにする一助となる可能性がある.
SPS(serrated polyposis syndrome)is a common type of colorectal polyposis syndrome characterized by accumulated serrated lesions. Although many types of colorectal polyposis are hereditary, SPS is not considered as a hereditary disease. This study investigates the clinicopathological characteristics of SPS through families with history of cancer.
Our analysis revealed a higher colorectal cancer-bearing rate in individuals with SPS and colorectal cancer family history than in individuals with SPS without cancer family history. The guideline for the British Society of Gastroenterology recommends genetic testing in SPS cases aged <40 years, with a family history of SPS, or with dysplastic lesions. The study's results might support the consideration of this guideline.

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