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要旨●最近,本邦における非乳頭部十二指腸癌の罹患率が欧米に比し高いことが判明した.実際に本邦における日常臨床で表在性非乳頭部十二指腸上皮性腫瘍(SNADET)に遭遇する機会は急速に増加している.近年,胃・十二指腸上皮性腫瘍の粘液形質が免疫組織化学的に解析可能となり,粘液形質に基づいたSNADETの臨床病理学的特徴が徐々に明らかとなってきた.粘液形質およびHelicobacter pylori感染状態と,拡大内視鏡所見を含めたSNADETの臨床病理像との関連性について探索的に検討した結果も踏まえ,現時点での筆者らの見解を述べたい.
Recent studies revealed a higher prevalence of non-papillary duodenal cancer in Japan than in Western countries. The chances of encountering SNADET(superficial non-papillary duodenal epithelial tumors)in practical endoscopy in Japan are rapidly increasing. Recently, the immunohistochemical analysis of mucin phenotypes of gastroduodenal epithelial tumors has become possible, and the clinicopathological characteristics of SNADET based on mucin phenotypes have been clarified gradually. However, studies demonstrating the relationships between the clinicopathological characteristics and magnifying endoscopic findings of SNADET are limited. Therefore, this exploratory study was conducted to investigate the association between clinicopathological findings, including magnifying endoscopy of SNADET, and not only the mucin phenotypes but also Helicobacter pylori infection status in the patients. We stated our perspectives about these associations based on the study results and suggested an effective process of the endoscopic diagnosis of SNADET.

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