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要旨●2018年12月〜2021年11月までに当院で食道扁平上皮癌に対しESDを施行した204例のうち,病理組織学的にINと診断した22例24病変を対象とした.対象を,分類1:WLI,NBIで発見困難・ヨード淡染,分類2:WLI,NBIで発見可能・ヨード淡染,分類3:WLI,NBIで発見困難・ヨード正染,の3群に分類し,その特徴を検討した.分類1が20例22病変(92%),分類2が1例1病変(4%),分類3が1例1病変(4%)であった.分類1・2は全例0-IIb型でヨード染色にて不染・淡染を呈したため,発見可能であった.分類3では,主肉眼型は0-IIb型でヨードに正染されたが,一部が隆起していたため,偶然発見された.INの92%が分類1に属し,PCS・MSS陰性の18例は全例INであり,ヨード淡染かつPCS・MSS陰性がINの特徴と考えられた.一方,分類1の中でPCS・MSS陽性を4例認めたが,これらはいずれもECSにて熊谷分類Type 2を呈したことから,PCS・MSS陽性例ではECSがINとSCCの鑑別に寄与する可能性が示唆された.
This study aimed to investigate the endoscopic characteristics of IN(intraepithelial neoplasia). Of the 204 cases treated by ESD(endoscopic submucosal dissection)for SCC(squamous cell carcinoma)from December 2018 to November 2021, Twenty-two cases with twenty-four IN cases were enrolled in this retrospective study. The lesions were divided into three groups as follows:Group 1:No findings by WLI and NBI, and weakly stained by iodine ; Group 2:Reddish color by WLI or Brownish color by NBI, and Weakly stained by iodine ; and Group 3:No finding by WLI and NBI, and well stained by iodine. Groups 1, 2, and 3 were 20 cases with 22 lesions(92%), 1 case with 1 lesion(4%), and 1 case with 1 lesion(4%), respectively. All the cases in groups 1 and 2 were 0-IIb and were detectable because they stained weakly by iodine. On the other hand, a case in group 3 was stained by iodine, but was found by chance because it was partially elevated.
Group 1 accounted 92% of IN cases. All 18 cases that showed PCS(pink color sign)/MSS(metallic silver sign)negative were IN. Therefore, PCS/MSS negative is a characteristic findings of IN. On the other hand, 4 cases of PCS/MSS positive cases were also IN. However, all 4 cases showed Kumagai classification Type 2 by ECS(endocytoscopy system). Therefore, it was suggested that ECS may contribute to the differential diagnosis between IN and SCC in case of PCS/MSS positivity.

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