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要旨●高齢者早期胃癌ESDの適否判断のため,予後や偶発症に関連する患者背景因子について検討した.対象は,80歳以上の初発早期胃癌,ESDによる内視鏡的根治度A/Bの199症例.多変量解析で,性別,performance status,PNI(prognostic nutritional index),肝硬変,推算糸球体濾過量は,ESD後全生存の関連因子であり,治療適応評価の指標となると考えられた.PNIのカットオフ値を45.5(第1四分位数)とした場合,全生存の差が有意であった.また,身体的,社会的な患者背景は偶発症にも関連しており,これら因子の十分な評価が,高齢者ESDの適否判断に重要と考える.
To help determine the indications for ESD(endoscopic submucosal dissection)in elderly patients with early gastric cancer, we investigated the relevance of patients' background characteristics with their prognosis after ESD. In 199 patients aged ≧80 years with early gastric cancer treated with ESD, we found that performance status, PN(Iprognostic nutritional index), comorbidity of cirrhosis, and estimated glomerular filtration rate were significantly associated with overall survival, suggesting that these factors may help define the indications for ESD. With a cutoff value of PNI 45.5, a significant difference in overall survival was observed. In addition, certain comorbidities were found associated with adverse events after ESD, and such factors should also be considered when defining the indications for ESD.

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