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The two main structural features identified in the delineation of barium-based contrast radiographic images of the small intestine and colon include protrusions, which appear as sites of barium translucency, and depressions, which appear as sites of barium collection. Radiography of the small intestine and colon frequently reveals complicated mixtures of these structural features. Accurately identifying single and/or multiple polypoid lesions, depressed and protruded lesions, and interpreting en face(translucent and barium collection)and lateral(filling defect/wall deformity and niche)images can be challenging. Radiograpic images will be more complicated by the addition of intestinal or bowel twist and sometimes resulted in an incorrect diagnosis.
Moreover, hence radiographic images are described by two dimensional ones converted from three dimensional original small intestine and the colon, we have to reconstruct to original three dimensional macroscopic findings in our brain from two dimensional radiographic images. Radiographic images must also be cautiously scanned for abnormalities of the borders and mucosal surfaces of the small intestine and colon. Only after careful analysis of the aforementioned complications, endoscopic and macroscopic findings of the lesions can be accurately interpreted, leading to a correct diagnosis.
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