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要旨●近年内視鏡機器が進歩したが,通常内視鏡検査では範囲診断が不可能な病変は依然として存在し,そのような病変に対してこそ拡大内視鏡検査は有用な検査である.当院では拡大内視鏡検査の診断能を向上させるために,術前にPPIの内服や画像強調モードの設定,そして検査中に生理食塩水の使用,block soft hoodの装着を行っている.胃癌の診断にはVS classification systemを使用するが,安易に主観でregularまたはirregularの判定をするのではなく,特に微小血管構築像を診断するためには必ず最大倍率を用いたうえで,胃粘膜の基本形態を理解し,さらに胃炎に伴って起こってくるさまざまな粘膜の変化と癌の変化の違いを理解したうえで胃癌の範囲診断を行う必要がある.
Despite developments in endoscopic systems, there are many gastric cancers the margins of which cannot be determined by conventional endoscopy. ME-NBI(magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging)is very useful in diagnosing these margins. To improve its precision, we have to attach a soft black hood to the scope tip to obtain high magnification NBI images in focus, and we recommend setting the image enhancement to level B8. To diagnose gastric cancers, we observe microsurface patterns and microvascular patterns by magnifying endoscopy, and the maximal optical magnifying ratio must be used to observe the microvascular patterns in detail. To perform ME-NBI, we should understand not only the structure of gastric cancers but also the basic structure of normal stomach and gastritis.
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