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要旨 全国アンケート調査により潰瘍性大腸炎(UC)に伴う大腸癌の初期病変形態を推定し,その進展と形態変化ならびに発育速度を推定することを目的とした.対象は,初期病変が内視鏡撮影され,最終的に切除され病理学的検査が十分に行われた54病変49例で,腫瘍発見時年齢は平均50.5歳,罹病期間平均15.9年.病変部位はS状結腸と直腸に43病変(79.6%).初回病変の内訳は,内視鏡的に腫瘍と認識可能な22病変(40.7%)では,隆起18病変(IIa 12,IIa+IIc 2,Is 3,Is+IIb 1)と陥凹(IIc 3,IIc+IIb 1)4病変(18.2%)より成り,腫瘍と認識不可能な32病変(59.3%)では,活動期粘膜20病変と寛解期粘膜12病変であった.最終的に進行癌であったものが19病変(観察期間32.8か月)で,最終的に早期癌(あるいはdysplasia)35病変(観察期間38.6か月)に分けられた.最終病変は隆起39病変,平坦・陥凹5病変と狭窄10病変であった.進行癌の発育形式は,管腔狭窄(42.1%)や隆起が増大(100%)することが多かった.早期癌の発育形式は,隆起増大ないし隆起形成例が68.6%を占めた.初回病変が3年以内に進行癌となった急速発育例が進行癌の68.4%(13/19)を占め,全癌では24.1%であった.結論としてUCに伴う癌の初期像は約3年前の検査で40%が認識されえたが,60%は炎症粘膜と判定されていた.早期の腫瘍発見には,炎症粘膜からの積極的な生検が必要であり,腫瘍が比較的短時間に発育することも念頭に置いたサーベイランス策定が望まれる.
We conducted a retrospective multi-institutional questionnaire survey of 49 UC(ulcerative colitis)patients with UC-associated CRN(colorectal neoplasia). The aim of the study was to assess the progression of tumor(configuration change and growth speed). The 49 subjects(mean age=50.5years ; mean time since diagnosis=15.9years)had a total of 54 lesions. Endoscopic features of all lesions had been documented within four years before the final examination and all the resected specimens were pathologically examined. On initial endoscopy, 22 lesions had been diagnosed as neoplasia. Of these, 18(33.3%)were elevated and four(7.4%)were depressed lesions. Thirty-two lesions, located in the recto-sigmoid region, had been diagnosed as non-neoplastic on initial endoscopy. Of these 20(37.0%)were active UC mucosa and 12(22.2%)were remission UC mucosa. On final examination, 19 lesions were classified as advanced cancer(observation period since initial endoscopy=32.8months)and 35 lesions were early stage CRN(observation period since initial endoscopy=38.6months). Lesions classified as advanced cancer had progressed into luminal stenosis(42.1%)by tumor enlargement(100%). Early CRN lesions had progressed by tumor enlargement(68.6%). Rapid growing cancer which grew up into advanced cancer within three years was observed in 68.4% of advanced cancer cases and 24.1% of all CRN cases.
Conclusions : This retrospective study of patients with UC-associated CRN showed that on initial endoscopy, 40% of lesions were diagnosed as neoplasia but 60% were diagnosed as non-neoplastic inflamed UC mucosa. To detect earlier CRN by surveillance endoscopy, random biopsy appears to be indispensable and it should be better to modulate surveillance program to detect rapid growing tumor which comprised 25% of CRN.

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