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要旨 内視鏡的に6か月以上経過観察しえた早期胃癌105病変を対象とし,壁深達度が進展する速度について検討した.(1)M癌,SM癌の進展頻度と進展速度:M癌の平均観察期間は46か月で進展頻度は30.0%(M癌からSM癌16.7%,M癌から進行癌13.3%)でSM癌の平均観察期間は23か月であり,SM癌から進行癌73.3%でSM癌の進展頻度が有意に高かった(p=0.001).M癌の進展期間にはSM癌と比較して大きな幅があり,早期癌における発育進展の多様性はM癌の時期に規定されると推定した.(2)早期癌の累積進展率:累積進展率50%に要する推定時間はM癌からSM癌で85か月,SM癌から進行癌で31か月で,SM癌から進行癌への進展はM癌からSM癌への進展と比較して進展速度が有意に速かった(p<0.0001).(3)M癌からSM癌への進展に影響する因子:年齢,肉眼型などの臨床病理学的因子別に累積進展率を比較したが,すべての因子において有意差は認めなかった.そこで,M癌のうち4年未満に進展した急速発育群(RG群)11病変と4年以上進展しなかった遅発育群(SG群)15病変を抽出し臨床病理学的因子別に頻度を比較した結果,組織型で高・中分化型腺癌主体群と低分化型腺癌・印環細胞癌主体群に頻度差はなく,超高分化型腺癌主体群は他2群と比較してSG群の頻度が有意に高かった(p=0.02, 0.006).以上の成績より,内視鏡的にM癌からSM癌まで要する平均的な時間は7年程度,SM癌から進行癌まで2~3年程度と推測した.各種の臨床所見よりM癌の発育進展の予測因子は特定できなかったが,sub解析では病理組織学的に超高分化型腺癌,あるいはそれを主体としたM癌においては極めて遅い発育進展がありうると推測される.
We investigated the speed at which depth of invasion of the gastric wall progressed in 105 early gastric cancer lesions whose course it was possible to follow up endoscopically for 6 months or more. (1)Frequency of progression and speed of progression of M cancers and SM cancers : The mean follow-up period of the M cancers was 46 months, and the frequency of progression was 30.0%(from M cancer to SM cancer : 16.7% ; from M cancer to advanced cancer : 13.3%), whereas the mean follow-up period of the SM cancers was 23 months, and at a frequency of progression from SM cancer to advanced cancer of 73.3%, the rate of progression of SM cancer was significantly higher(p = 0.001). There was a wider range of progression periods of M cancer than of SM cancer, and it was concluded that the diversity of growth and progression in early cancers is determined during the M cancer period. (2)Cumulative progression rate of early cancer : The estimated time required for a cumulative progression rate of 50% was 85 months for M→SM cancer and 31 months for SM→advanced cancer, and the speed of progression from SM cancer to advanced cancer was significantly faster than that of progression from M cancer to SM cancer(p < 0.0001). (3)Factors affecting progression from M cancer to SM cancer : Cumulative progression rates were compared according to the patients'clinicopathological factors, including age and macroscopic type, but no significant differences were found according to any of the factors. 11 cases in a rapid growth group(RG group)that had progressed in less than 4 years and 15 cases in a slow growth group(SG group)that had not progressed in 4 years or more were selected from among the M cases, the frequency of progression was compared according to clinicopathological factors and the results showed a significantly higher frequency in the SG group of patients with differentiated cancer according to histological type(p=0.08). Among those cases the frequency was higher in extremely very well differentiated adenocarcinoma that were mostly that type(p < 0.05). Based on the above results, it was estimated that the mean time required for progression from M cancer to SM cancer endoscopically is about 7 years, and that the mean time required for progression from SM cancer to advanced cancer is 2~3 years. It was impossible to identify predictive factors for the growth and progression of M cancers based on any of the clinical findings, but the results of the sub-analysis indicated that there may be very slow growth and progression by M cancers with a high degree of differentiation histopathologically.

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