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炎症性疾患は多彩な肉眼像を呈するため鑑別診断が困難なことがしばしばある.診断を行ううえで,肉眼像や組織像から推定することが重要である.潰瘍性大腸炎(UC)の肉眼像の基本単位は,(1)連続性の褐色調粘膜,(2)不整顆粒状粘膜,(3)びらんや小潰瘍の多発,(4)偽ポリポーシスである.それらに対応した組織像は,(1)basal plasmacytosisを伴うびまん性慢性活動性炎症,(2)陰窩膿瘍による粘膜深部の陰窩の破壊,(3)粘膜全層性破壊による溝状潰瘍,(4)潰瘍による多発性島状残存粘膜である.Crohn病(CD)の肉眼像の基本単位は,(1)アフタ,(2)小潰瘍・地図状潰瘍,(3)縦走潰瘍,(4)敷石像・炎症性ポリポーシスであり,それらに対応した組織像は,(1)リンパ濾胞での活動性炎症(しばしば肉芽腫を伴う),(2)限局性の高度の炎症と粘膜破壊によるfissuring ulcer,(3)縦走配列した潰瘍,(4)不連続性潰瘍による過形成性変化を伴う多発性島状粘膜である.また,下部消化管のみならず上部消化管病変の特徴の理解も重要である.CDではfocally enhanced gastritisが特徴的組織所見で,UCでは大腸病変と同様の像を示す.
It is often difficult to make a differential diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. On the occasion of its differential diagnosis, imaging of the histological feature from the macroscopic feature is important.
Basic units of macroscopic features of UC(ulcerative colitis)are as follows : (1)diffuse brownish mucosa, (2)irregularly granular mucosa, (3)multiple erosion and small ulcers, (4)pseudopolyposis. Corresponding histological findings to these macroscopic features are as follows : (1)diffuse chronic active inflammation with basal plasmacytosis, (2)destruction of deep mucosa by crypt abscess, (3)groove-like ulcer by destruction of full-thickness of the mucosa, (4)multiple ulcers and island-like residual mucosa.
Basic units of macroscopic features of CD(Crohn's disease)are as follows : (1)aphthous ulcers, (2)small ulcers, (3)longitudinal ulcer, (4)cobblestone appearance/inflammatory polyposis. Corresponding histological findings to their macroscopic features are as follows : (1)active inflammation in lymphoid follicles(often accompanied by granuloma), (2)mucosal destruction by focal and severe inflammation(fissuring ulcer), (3)longitudinally arranged ulcers, (4)multifocal island-like residual mucosa with hyperplasia for irregular ulceration.
It is also important to understand the characteristics of the upper gastrointestinal tract lesions in addition to the lower gastrointestinal tract. Focally enhanced gastritis is a characteristic histological findings for CD. The histological features of the upper gastrointestinal tract lesion of UC are the same as those of UC in the colorectum.

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