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要旨 10mm未満の小大腸癌について,内視鏡所見を中心に検討した.(1)ポリペクトミー症例(5mm以上10mm未満)で12.1%(19/157)に癌があった.また,ca/ca+ad(ca:癌,ad:腺腫)は19/140(13.6%)であった.Sp(semipedunculated)タイプのca/ca+adは22.8%,P(pedunculated)タイプでは5.5%であった.ポリペクトミーが施行された癌(5mm以上10mm未満)19例中10例に,内視鏡的に,くびれ,切れ込み,陥凹などの形状異常があった.Spタイプで形状異常をもつ小ポリープ(5mm以上10mm未満)の約半数は癌であることが示唆された.(2)径4mm(Spタイプ)の微小癌が1例あった.(3)色調から癌・非癌の鑑別の可能性を見出すことはできなかった.
Small colon cancers, smaller than 10 mm in diameter, were examined with respect to endoscopic findings. Out of 157 polypectomized cases (5-9 mm in diameter) 19 specimens proved to have cancer. The ratio of ca to ca + ad (ca:cancer, ad:adenoma) was 13.6% (19/140). When calculated for semipedunculated type of adenoma in a similar way, the ratio was 22.8%, and that for pedunculated type, 5.5%. Ten out of 19 polypectomized cases (5-9 mm in diameter) had such abnormal configurations as notching, constriction and concavity endoscopically.
It was concluded that small semipedunculated polyps with abnormal configuration were cancers with probability higher than 50%. We could not calculate the probability of correctly differentiating cancer from benign polyp in this study.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.