

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The Gastric Mucosa as a Background of Duodenal Ulcer: from the standpoint of endoscopy Y. Hiki 1 , J. Naramoto 2 , T. Takahashi 3 , H. Ishida 4 2Dept. of Internal Medicine, Kitazato University School of Medicine pp.201-207
Published Date 1975/2/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403112158
  • Abstract
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 An attempt has been made to clarify the true state of the gastric mucosa that can possibly undergoes changes in the presence of duodenal ulcer and especially of endoscopic picture of so called hypertrophy in the gastric body that is said often to accompany dudenal ulcer. From the endoscopic point of view, we have picked out, in strict accordance with Schindler's descriptions, 136 cases of endoscopic picture of so called hypertrophy out of many cases filmed with gastrocamera. Their courses have been followed up, and their behaviors have been dynamically recorded in both 16 mm movies and Ⅳ videotapes. Analysis of the results led us to the following conclusions: ―

1. Erosive gastritis was recognized in the mucosa of the pyloric antrum in 40 per cent of 136 cases with endoscopic picture of so called hypertrophy. Atrophic gastritis was seen only in a small number.

2. Observations of the same period in these cases showed that endoscopic picture of so called hypertrophy would most often comes out on the posterior wall of the body, but it was seen to appear in other segments of the body as well.

3. Endoscopic picture of so called hypertrophy was constantly seen in 15 cases out of 18 whose courses had been followed up.

4. Study of the relationship between various physiological aspects of the stomach and the picture of so called hypertrophy in endoscopy showed that typical view of so called hypertrophy would become less manifest with the administration of blocking agents such as Buscopan and as the gastric wall was distended with increasing amount of introduced air.

 Finally it would become hard to recognize, but yet the small units of the gastric mucosa surrounded with fine sulci remained clearly visible. These situations were dynamically confirmed in both 16 mm movies and endoscopic TV.

5. Histopathologic study of direct vision biopsy and surgical specimens revealed that in our cases there was no striking picture of hyperplasia in the mucosa of the fundic glands that was unaccompanied with atrophic changes.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


