

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Cytological Diagnosis of Protruding Type of Early Gastric Cancer Tetsutarô Takeda 1 , Hiroshi Chiba 1 , Jun Yamagata 1 , Nobuyuki Sugawara 1 , Noboru Nikaido 1 1The Center for Adult Diseases, Miyagi pp.63-68
Published Date 1971/1/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111396
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 Although x-ray and endoscopy play very important roles in the diagnosis of gastric cancer, cytology and biopsy are indispensable for its accurate diagnosis. This is exemplified in the 87 cases recently encountered of protruding lesions of the stomach other than submucosal tumors, including 14 cases of early gastric cancer, 2 of advanced cancer, 67 of benign lesions and 4 of borderline diseases. They were first suspected by and endoscopy and later have been confirmed by cytology and biopsy.

 Correlation of cytology and biopsy shows that in cancer cases biopsy can sometimes be misleading, while in non-cancer cases, though only in a few, cytology has the same tendency resulting in erroneous diagnosis.

 Cancer cells seen in the protruding variety of early gastric cancer present less characteristic malignant pictures such as confluence of cells, variation in their size, polymorphism of cells and nuclei, and abnormal nuclear chromatin pattern. Enlargement of cells are sometimes suggestive, but even in noncancerous cases exceedingly large cells may be demonstrated. When occasion demands, correct diagnosis should be arrived at by paying due notice to abnormal cell clusters as a whole such as looser consolidation of cells and their disorderly arrangement (each cluster of cells is observed as a congregation of far smaller clusters of cells and they are in various directions in an arbitrary fashion, giving an impression of disorderliness).

 The so-called atypical epithelium resembles benign lesion in the degree of cell consolidation, but it has a close likeliness to cancer lesion in its disorderly arrangement of cells.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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