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昭和33年に,筆者の1人信田が津田6)と共に,細胞診(Abrasive Balloon法)により診断可能であった胃細網肉腫の1例を報告したが,これが幸いにも,この分野の診断可能例の第1例となった.その後,阪7),山田8)9),山形10),綿貫11),信田,津田12)らにより,それぞれ細胞学的に診断可能であった胃肉腫,特に胃悪性淋巴腫症例が報告されて,この分野の腫瘍の胃癌との鑑別には,細胞診が重要視されるようになって来た.信田12'は既に自験例5例を,その細胞学的所見をまとめて発表してあるので,本稿では,その後経験した2例の胃悪性淋巴腫症例と,1例の胃平滑筋肉腫症例の細胞像を述べ,また,この分野の診断における直視下生検の意義についても触れたい.
Since in 1958 Tsuda and Shida first succeeded in the cytological diagnosis of reticulum-cell sarcoma, in Japan there have been several reports of gastric sarcoma as confirmed by cytological method. On the basis of 2 cases of malignant lymphoma and a case of leiomyosarcoma experienced since then, the authors have described the general outlines of cytological diagnosis of gastric sarcoma laying stress on their cytological findings with reference to biopsical tissue diagnosis.
Cytological diagnosis of gastric sarcoma, as already described by authors can be summarized in 7 points
1) Malignant cells are solitarily distributed and scattered about. 2) The shape of cells is oval or almost round. 3) Cell membrane is relatively well preserved. 4) The cytoplasma has deep basophile stain, and there are minute vacuoles and bright halos within it. 5) The nuclear membrane is not so distinct. 6) The nuclear chromatin, unevenly distributed, is of minute granular pattern. 7) The nucleoli, almost round, has a tendency to enlarge and increase.
It is hoped that tissue biopsy examination should be used together with cytological method, as the final diagnosis would be sometimes more accurate and more easy. Authors peported already the cytological finding of 5 cases of gastric malignant lymphoma. Including 2 cases of gastric malignant lymphoma and one case of gastric leiomyosarcoma, in this paper anthors studied the cytological examination for 8 cases of gastric sarcoma.
Copyright © 1970, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.