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The patient was 36 year old female. Her father had died of esophagus cancer at the age of 62 and her mother had died of cholecystitis at the age of 43.
She had been healthy. Since the end of Jan. '64, the dull pain at epigastrium after the meal had arisen. Then nausea and vomitting had appeared. A doctor treated her for ten days with the diagnosis of gastritis but the complaint did not disappeare. Physical examinations at the time of the admission showed no abnormal findings. The examinations about urine, feces and blood showed no pathological findings except blood sedimentation and Wassermann reaction.
By X-ray examination, a stair like margin was noticed at the lesser curvature gastric body by filling image and the disarrangement of relief was seen from the corpus to the prepyloric part by the double contrast method. A defect of shadow was also noticed by the compressed method.
By gastrocamera examination, small nodular elevations were seen at the anterior wall of the corpus.
The diagnosis was made as a wide spread Ⅱc type early gastric cancer ranged from the corpus to the prepyloric part. Macroscopically, the breaking down of the gastric folds were noticed and Ⅱc like change of the mucous membrane was seen from the corpus to the antrum. But histologically, this was not cancer but the infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells. This change may be called an antral gastritis.
Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.