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要旨 膵囊胞の発見頻度は急増しており,その診断法や治療法の選択は緊急の課題である.膵囊胞を主として炎症性と腫瘍性に分類し,また最近話題になっている粘液産生膵腫瘍も腫瘍性囊胞の範疇に含め,超音波検査(US)と超音波内視鏡検査(EUS)の診断能を中心に分析した.USやEUSで得られる囊胞の数,囊胞の大きさ,囊胞全体の形状,囊胞壁の状態,囊胞内部の状態,囊胞と膵管との交通の有無,背景病変の存在の有無などの所見を検討することにより,大部分の膵囊胞の鑑別診断は可能であることを示した.また体外式超音波検査では未だ限界も多く,上記の所見を的確に捉えるにはEUSが必要であることを強調した.
Pancreatic cysts are caused by various kinds of pancreatic diseases, especially pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis.
US and EUS allow us to obtain a variety of ultrasonographic findings concerning the number, size, shape, mural echo pattern, internal echo pattern, communication between cyst and main pancreatic duct, and background information of the cystic lesion. These ultrasonographic findings are shown to be very useful for the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cystic diseases. US has a limitation to some extent. Thus US should be used as a screening examination for a cystic lesion.
EUS is the most appropriate diagnostic modality and should be performed in all patients with pancreatic cystic disease.

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