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要旨 1973年8月より1985年5月までの約12年間に,776例の内視鏡的乳頭括約筋切開術(EST)を行い,726例(93.6%)に目的とする種々の臨床的効果を得た.早期合併症は32例(4.1%)にみられ,2例(0.26%)の死亡例を経験した.1年以上の追跡調査ができた良性疾患326例(胆管結石および乳頭狭窄症)について長期成績を検討した.腹痛・発熱・黄疸などの自覚症状は61例(18.1%)にあり,その中で後期合併症が証明されたのは24例(7.4%)であった.再発胆管結石15例,胆囊炎6例,胆管炎3例であり,再発結石の5例と胆囊炎の5例に外科的治療がなされた.再発結石および胆管炎は,切開範囲の小さい症例に多い傾向がみられた.また,有石胆囊残存群70例中6例(8.6%)に胆嚢炎発生がみられたのに対し,無石胆囊残存群55例では胆囊病変は認めなかった.後期合併症症例に死亡例はなく,ESTの臨床的有用性と安全性は高く評価しえた.
From August 1973 to May 1985, we performed 776 cases of endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST). In 762 cases (98.2%) of successful incision of the papilla of Vater, 726 cases (93.6%) showed a remarkable clinical effects. In our series, 32 early complications occurred in 776 cases (morbidity rate: 4.1%), and 2 fatalities were recognized (mortality rate: 0.26%).
In this apper, we mainly discussed the propriety of EST by long-term follow-up study. In 326 cases with benign biliary diseases (biliary tract stone and papillary stenosis), we were able to analize a minute clinical course over one year after EST. Sixty-one cases (18.1%) in them complained of some symptoms (abdominal pain, fever or jaundice) after EST. Among them, 24 cases(7.4%) were found to have some late complications. The symptoms of remaining 37 cases were temporary and slight. Twenty-four cases with late complications consisted of 15 cases of recurrent stones after EST, six of cholecystitis and three of cholangitis. Five cases of recurrent stones and five cases of cholecystitis underwent a surgical treatment. The incision of the papilla of Vater at the initial EST was not full in 13 cases of recurrent stones and all cases of cholangitis. In 326 cases, there were 125 with the gallbladder with stone (70cases) or without stone (55 cases), and 201 who had been cholecystectomized. Six cases with cholecystitis after EST were leaving stones in the gallbladder, amounting to 8.6% of 70 cases with gallbladder stone. All the late complication occurred within five years after EST, and not involved a fatal case.
EST gives the sufficient result in diagnosis and treatment for various diseases of biliary tract. Furthermore,EST was found to be a safe procedure from the low rates of comlications and fatalities.

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