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Present Status of Clinical Diagnosis for Early Gastric Cancer H. Yokoyama 1 , T. Nagayo 2 1Yokoyama Gastrointestinal Hospital 2Dept. of Pathology, Aichi Cancer Center pp.291-294
Published Date 1972/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403109031
  • Abstract
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 During the past 19 years 1952 to 1970, 597 of early gastric cancer were operated on at Yokoyama Gastrointestinal Hospital. However, pathways through which the diagnoses were established differ among the cases. In 389 cases (65.2%) preoperative diagnosis was confirmed by histological study of removed stomachs (Group A); in 46 (7.7%) initial diagnosis of advanced cancer was reversed to early cancer by postoperative examinations (Group B); and in 162 (27.1%) diagnosis of benign lesions prior to operation was corrected by histology to that of early cancer (Group C). Contrariwise, 61 cases assumed as early cancer later proved to be advanced cancer (Group D), while 83 of “preoperative” early cancer were found benign after the operation (Group E).

 During the same period the annual number of cases of Group A increased markedly in accordance with the development of diagnostic apparatus. In 1961, when diagnosis was done mainly by x-ray and gastrocamera (Type Ⅲ and Ⅳ), only 22 cases were detected, but since gastrofiberscopic biopsy was introduced in 1968 the number of early cases more than doubled. Nevertheless, there were still as many as 208 cases (34.8%) initially mistaken for benign lesions, mostly presumed to be benign gastric ulcers (Group C), while a number of cases in the Group E with acute shallow ulcers, ulcer scars and erosive gastritis were incorrectly diagnosed as early malignancy before the operation. It is emphasized therefore that false positive and false negative cases should be lessened to a minimum degree by active and precise application of gastrofiberscopic biopsy now available.

Copyright © 1972, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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