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2年6カ月にわたり経過観察しえた良・悪性境界領域に属すると考えられるreactive lymphoreticular hyperplasiaの1例を供覧する.
症 例
患 者:西○ス○,47歳,女,主婦.
主 訴:心窩部痛および背部痛.
A 47-year-old female came to our hospital with the chief complaint of epigastric pain and back pain on May 24, 1975. The x-ray and endoscopic examination of the stomach revealed nodular mucosal elevation with redess, surrounded with irregular shallow ulcer at the lesser curvature of the gastric angle. On the other hand, many nodular mucosal elevations and irregular ulcers were found at the greater curvature of the angular portion. Histological findings of the biopsy specimens suggested gastritis.
During the period of two years and six month, after her first visit, the patient has been kept under medical treatment. However, she was admitted to our hospital on November 15, 1977, because of severe epigastralgia and back pain. The x-ray examination revealed many nodular mucosal elevations and fine irregular barium flecks on the posterior of the stomach, extending from the gaaric angle to the antrum. Endoscopic study showed many nodular mucosal elevations surrounded by multiple shallow ulcers. Histological findings of the biopsy specimens revealed malignant lymphoma or reactive lymphoreticular hyperplasia. Gastrectomy was performed on December 9, 1977. Reactive lymphoreticular hyperplasia was confirmed by histological observation of the operated material. The patient is doing well three years after the operation.

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