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腸循環障害性病変は近年,増加の傾向にある.特に慢性腎不全や敗血症のごとく全身状態の不良な患者に原因不明の消化管出血が,ときに認められるが,その原因の1つにmycotic aneurysmがある.
われわれは慢性腎不全患者で消化管出血を来し,上腸間膜動脈のmycotic aneurysmによって惹起された区域性の腸循環障害性病変を経験したので報告し,この病態への注意を喚起したい.
症 例
患 者:66歳,女.
主 訴:下血.
A 66 year-old housewife suffering from chronic renal failure was admitted to Kitasato Hospital on September 14, 1979, with a history for two days of tarry stools. On admission, physical examination revealed a pale edema of eyelids and cardiac enlargement with systolic murmur. Blood pressure was 118/72, pulse regular, and body temperature was 36.6℃. Pertinent positive physical finding were limited to intestinal hemorrhage. We could not find any cause of intestinal hemorrhage in spite of several endoscopical examination and intestinal barium enema. Intestinal hemorrhage continued.
On the selective angiography, superior mesenteric artery showed complete obstruction at the base and the vasculature of small intestinal wall was altered and small in size and showed poor blood supply from inferior mesenteric branches and middle colic artery through dorsopancreatic arcade from truncus celiac. The patient became gradually drowsy and got worse because intestinal hemorrhage could not be controlled by conventional therapy.
Blood pressure was not improved to normal level two weeks before death. Autopsy was performed three hours after death on November 14, 1979, because of massive intestinal hemorrhage and cardiac failure due to digital toxication. Generalized atherosclerosis was marked in the kidneys and abdominal aorta. Especially the orifice of the superior mesenteric artery showed complete obstruction macroscopically.
Small intestinal wall was moderately thickened and anemic in almost the entire length. It was suggestive of chronic blood insufficiency like angina pectoris of the heart. The surface of the small intestinal mucosa was anemic with focal hemorrhage without edema. New, massive intestinal hemorrhagic necrosis was observed in segmental ileal region about 40 cm in length, beginning from 39 cm proximal from the ileocecal valve. The mesentery of this segment was also strikingly thickened and edematous with petechial hemorrhage and when sectioned, thrombi extruded from the cut ends of the ileal branch but no arterial ballooning. Pathological examination confirmed hemorrhagic infarction of the small bowel and thrombi of the mesenteric artery associated with mycotic aneurysm without rupture.
We should notice mycotic aneurysm when a patient has a concomitant intestinal hemorrhage with severe renal failure and sepsis.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.