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症 例
患 者:79歳,男.
主 訴:悪心,嘔吐,腹部膨満感,腹痛.
The patient was a 79 year-old man with complaints of abdcminal pain, nausea, vomiting and fullness of the abdomen, and was radiographically followed up for a year.
Radiographic findings of the colon on discovery showed linear ulcerative features of the transverse and descending colon of the mesenteric side, pseudodiverticula and strictures of the descending colon.
Roentgenological examination of the colon two weeks later revealed partial strictures and pseudodiverticula in the middle portion of the transverse colon, increasing strictures and a number of the pseudodiverticula of various sizes in the descending colon.
Two months later, x-ray survey was repeated. The findings of the descending colon remained unchanged. However, the strictures of the transverse colon tended to improve, and discontinuous cicatricial features of linear ulcers with convergent mucosal folds were delineated.
Radiographic series one year after the onset showed stable findings of the transverse and descending colon.
Characteristic features of ischemic colitis of this patient were linear ulcers, linear scars of the mesenteric side, marked pseudodiverticula and strictures. The aggravation or improvement of these changes of each part of the colon was also observed in a short period of time.

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