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患 者:53歳 女性 主婦
主 訴:右下腹部痛
A 53-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with a complaint of lower abdominal pain of five months’ duration. In her family history, parents and their son died of cancer of the stomach, uterus and colon respectively.
Laboratory examinations on admission showed no abnormalities. Barium enema and colonoscopy showed a large, flat and sessile protruded lesion in the descending colon without eroded surface.
Biopsy specimens revealed tubular adenoma with moderate atypia. She had a sudden attack of cerebral stroke on the 9th day after admission, followed by left-side paralysis. She died of middle cerebral artery occlusion fifteen days after the onset of her illness.
At autopsy, resected specimen of the descending colon showed a flower-bed-like protruded lesion, 40×38mm in size.
Histologically this lesion showed a tubular adenoma with unequal atypia. A few cases of flower-bed-like tubular adenoma have been reported up to now, which were smaller in size or accompanied with malignant change.
This is the first case which grew over 2cm in diameter and histologically showed no malignancy.
Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.