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Now there is no doubt that gastric mass screening is the best way to detect early cancer in a high rate. However, for yet better results a more systematic and effective method is necessary. It is also desirable that such a method can be applied to screening of gastric cancer for individuals who visit the hospital in the form of physical check-up. In this paper are described chiefly the results of gastric mass screening at the Center for Adult Diseases. Osaka.
Although the ratio of early gastric cancer to all cancer cases of the stomach is slightly elevated in the group who received mass screening before (noninitial screening), a higher rate of detection of early gastric cancer is observed in the group who underwent mass examination for the first time (initial screening). Furthermore, the number of examinees in the initial screening tends to decrease with the increase of those in the non-initial screening.
Therefor, we believe we should attach importance to the group firstly examined concentrating on the age group 40~69, who have a high prevalence, especially on the community group. We also believe that the two to three years interval for each examination is most eflicient and effective when we take into account the changing rate of incidence of early gastric cancer in the group previously examined and our knowledge about the natural history of early gastric cancer.
Physical laborers showed a high rate of detection in early gastric cancer compared with any other ones.
Besides, after the mean 6.1 follow up years, the incidence of gastric cancer was two to three times higher in cases diagnosed as gastric ulcer than in those diagnosed as the other benign diseases at the initial examination.
More than half of cancers belonged to early cancer. Gastric ulcer seems thus the most important subject to be encouraged in the detection of early cancer after the detailed examination.
At present there is no other method than X-ray examination as a first step to early diagnosis of gastric cancer. Although it can remain simply as a method of screening the examinees from gastric cancer, proficiency with a certain fixed system of examination (exposure and interpretation of the films) makes it possible to diagnose cancer with less overlooking.
In this respect is described a most standard way of indirect X-ray exposure and its propagation together with several points to be attended to in early detection and diagnosis of gastric cancer on the basis of mass screening. We deem it very important in excavated types of early cancer to look into the wall rigidity accompanied by en face findings and in protruded type to scrutinize filling defect accompanied with non-specific and indefinite findings. We have also referred to the fact that instead of the kinds of complaints hitherto considered important it would broaden the possibility of early detection to pay more attention to their nature such as gradual increase, continuity, complaints never experienced before and resistance against curative effect.
Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.