

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Long-Term Epidemiological Study of Gastric Cancer K. Umedo 1 , K. Aikawa 1 1The Center for Adult Diseases, Osaka pp.775-779
Published Date 1971/5/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111675
  • Abstract
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 In the past 9 years the authors have screened a total of 61,500 persons by mass radiography and discovered 204 cases of gastric cancer. Of these 144 were detected at the initial examination, 28 by following up suspicious patients in the first mass survey, 20 at repeat mass radiography, and 12 by follow-up of the latter.

 1. Early-stage cancer

 Out of the 204 cancer cases, 60 were of early-stage cancer. The number of early-stage cancer cases detected at repeat mass radiography and its follow-up was considerable; 17 out of 32, or 53 per cent. At the initial mass radiography, the corresponding rate was only 27 out of 144, or 19 per cent.

 2. Progression from gastric cancer

 A certain number of gastric cancer cases are believed to have developed from gastric ulcers. However, how large is the percentage is not yet known.

 Out of the 32 cancer cases discovered at repeat mass radiography and its follow-up, 6 were malignant progressions from ulcers. This ratio, 6/32 (19 per cent), may suggest the magnitude of the relation.

 3. Speed of progress of gastric cancer

 In some cases carcinoma remains at an early stage for a considerable length of time, while in others the progression to an adanced stage takes place very quickly. Pathologically speaking, the slower group consisted mostly of Inokuchi's “Unclassified type” and the faster group mostly of Inokuchi's “Ⅱ and Ⅲ types” which derive from the “Penetrating Growth type”. Adenocarcinoma was more frequently found in the slower group.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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