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Limitations of Cytological Diagnosis for Early Gastric Cancer K. Ishioka 1 1The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Tohoku University School of Medicine pp.173-182
Published Date 1979/2/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403107612
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 We present here practical merits and limitations of cytodiagnosis for early gastric cancer on the basis of our experience.

 In patients with gastric cancer the diagnostic accuracy of cytologic findings was seen in 94.9 per cent, while in those with non-cancerous lesions the false-positive rate was 0.8 per cent. The accuracy of cytodiagnosis in patients with positive cytologic findings for cancer was 98 per cent. In patients with early gastric cancer positive cytologic findings were obtained in 93.9 per cent. Since the introduction of cytologic study under direct vision the rate of accurate detection rose up to 96.2 per cent, about a rise of 15 per cent accuracy as compared with the results up to that time, when the positive rate was 81.4 per cent. In patients with early gastric cancer examined in the recent four years the rate of accurate cytodiagnosis was more than 95 per cent, while false-positive rate went down by 0.5 per cent. Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of gastric cytology revealed some differences in relation to the histologic types of early cancer. Positive results were slightly lower in the types Ⅰ and Ⅲ. The other types showed a positive rate of more than 95 per cent. In a patient with Ⅱb which was a very small carcinoma less than 1 cm in diameter, cancer cells were detected by gastric washings of the selective site as determined by direct view. Histologic examination of the biopsy specimens in this individual was negative for cancer. Gastric washings were used to better advantage in such a small Ⅱb or other minute carcinomas. The positive rate of cytodiagnosis in 30 patients with minute early cancer less than 1 cm in the greatest diameter was 86.7 per cent, a figure lower than that for early cancer more than 1 cm in diameter. Nonetheless, the final positive rate rose up to 96.7 per cent by the combined use of X-ray, endoscopy, biopsy and cytodiagnosis.

 Cancer cells in early carcinoma of the stomach are often less atypical than those in advanced carcinoma. However, since it is now possible to arrive at the correct cytodiagnosis of atypical epithelium by findings of smear materials and also to well differentiate between atypical epithelium and early cancer of differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, combination of biopsy and cytodiagnosis belongs to the most effective weapons for these lesions. Furthermore, thorny needle biopsy has made it possible to ascertain the histologic background of submucosal tumors of the stomach.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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