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患 者:72歳 男性 農業
主 訴:粘血便
A man aged 72 complained of mucoid and bloody stool along with nausea and vomiting. The ileocecal region was slightly tender, The feces was positive for occult blood. There were also anemia and slight decrease in renal function. Barium enema study disclosed a shadow defect and a picture of protrusion in the ileocecal region, suggestive of intussusception. Repeat barium enema study one week later showed disappearance of the tumor in the ileocecal region. A tumor slightly indented and of uneven, irregular surface was detected instead in the terminal part of the ileum. Endoscopy (CF type LB) and biopsy were attempted, but the tumor had grown large enough to occlude almost the whole lumen of the ileum. There was not enough room for sufficient endoscopic observation except the sides of the tumor. Biopsy was also of no avail in obtaining the qualitative diagnosis of the neoplasm, allowing us only to suspect the presence of either leiomyosarcoma or malignant lymphoma. Right hemicolectomy showed a solitary tumor,40×40×16 mm in dimensions, at a site 3 cm oral from the ileocecal valve. Infiltration of tumor cells reached the subserosa, invading the regional lymph nodes as well. Histologically the tumor was reticulum cell sarcoma of the ileum.
The patient is in good health as of 17 months after the surgery.

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