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要旨 大腸腺腫のnatural historyを解明するため,①1年以上の間隔をおいて2回以上注腸X線検査が施行され,②組織学的に腺腫・腺腫内癌が証明された132症例(214病変)を対象に,X線学的に病変の大きさ・形態の推移を検討した.平均観察期間は5.7年(1年~最長15.7年),注腸X線検査の平均回数は3.27回,組織型は管状腺腫190病変,管状絨毛腺腫9病変,絨毛管状腺腫9病変,絨毛腺腫1病変と腺腫内癌5病変である.観察期間中における病変の大きさの推移を注腸二重造影写真を用いて検討した結果,無変化群が最も多く112病変(52%),増大したもの72病変(34%),縮小・消失したもの30病変(14%)であった.初回の大きさが5mm以下の群130病変を検討した結果でも無変化群が最も多く74病変(57%),次いで増大群の44病変(34%),縮小群は12病変(9%)であった.無変化群と病変の増減値[(初回の大きさ)-(終回の大きさ)]±2mmまでを合わせると,約9割以上の病変はこの範囲に含まれていた.また,部位別にみた腺腫の増減の検討では,特定の部位に増大の頻度が高いという結果は得られなかった.形態上の変化も約9割の病変は無変化であった.腺腫のdoubling time(DT)は5.83年,腺腫内癌のDTは2.38年であり,進行癌症例のDTと比較して,腺腫の発育・進展は緩慢であると考えられる.
In order to elucidate natural history of colorectal adenoma the size and structure of these lesions were radiologically observed in the patients in whom barium enema examinations were performed more than twice with an interval of a year or more (981 cases) and adenoma or cancer in adenoma was histologically confirmed (132 cases: 214 lesions).
Average period of observation was 5.7 years (range: 1-15.7 years) and average number of barium enema examination 3.27 times. Histological types included tubular adenoma (190 lesions), tubulovillous adenoma (9 lesions), villotubular adenoma (9 lesions), villous adenoma (1 lesion) and cancer in adenoma (5 lesions).
Serial observations on barium enema double contrast radiography showed no change in size in 112 lesions (52%), increase in size in 72 lesions (34%) and decrease in size or disappearance in 30 lesions (14%).
Among 130 lesions of 5 mm or less in size at initial examination, no change in size group (74 lesions: 57%) dominated followed by increase in size group (44 lesions 34%) and diminution group (12 lesions: 9%). The combined group of no change in size and small change (±2 mm during observation period) accounted for 90 or more of the total number of the lesions.
Increase in size group had no predilection for a specific site of the colon. More than 90% of the lesions did not change structurally either.
Doubling time was 5.83 years for adenoma and 2.38 years for cancer in adenoma, thus suggesting slower growth rate for adenoma than that for advanced cancer.

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