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Radiologic Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer Morphologically Mimicking Submucosal Tumor Norishige Takemoto 1 1Department of Iaternal Medicine, Cancer Institute Hospital Keyword: 胃癌 , 粘膜下腫瘍 , X線診断 pp.759-768
Published Date 1995/5/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403105426
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 Gastric cancer which mimic submucosal tumor was evaluated from the standpoint of radiologic diagnosis. 1) There were seven cases of gastric cancer mimicking submucosal tumor (GCMST) out of 2,816 cases of gastric cancer (0.25%, during the periods of 1982 and 1991). 2) There were three cases of early gastric cancer and four cases of advanced one. Histopathologically, they consisted of two cases of tubular adenocarcinoma (moderately differentiated) and five cases of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (three cases of non-solid type and two cases of solid type) . In the two cases of tubular adenocarcinoma and three cases of solid type poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, there was moderate or extensive lymphocyte infiltration in the submucosal layer. 3) Based on the evaluation of the cross section of the surgical specimen and radiologic diagnosis, GCMST was classified into three types. Type 1 (two cases): In one case, there was no obvious ulceration in the mucosa and unusual advance into the submucosa, it was very difficult to differentiate from early protruding type of malignant lymphoma. The other case was tubular adenocarcinoma whose main part was located in the intermediate area and was difficult to distinguish from a submucosal tumor. Type 2 (three cases): There was an ulceration which was smaller than the protruding portion. Irregular shape and uneven density of filling defects led us to diagnose them as gastric cancer easily. Type 3 (two cases) There was an ulceration which was larger than the protruding part. All lesions were located on the posterior wall in the antrum. Frontal view of the lesion resembled to that of limited ulcerative type of malignant lymphoma. Lateral view might be helpful if a lesion was located in the other area of the stomach. 4) Although we could not follow one out of seven cases long-term follow-up result was as follows: one case was dead within three years, three cases survived for more than five years (the longest survival time was 10 years and six months), and the other two cases survived for three years and six months.

Copyright © 1995, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


