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要旨 患者は81歳,男性.S状結腸癌切除後のサーベイランスで,横行結腸にⅡc+Ⅱa型の表面型大腸腫瘍を指摘された.注腸X線検査で大きさ13×10mmの丈の低い周堤隆起を伴う陥凹性病変を描出し,拡大電子内視鏡,超音波内視鏡検査でⅡc+Ⅱa型のsm癌と診断し,横行結腸部分切除が施行された.3年前の注腸X線フィルムをretrospectiveに検討すると,この病変は大きさ6mmのⅡa病変であり,この時点でm癌であった,横行結腸肝彎曲側の大きさ5mmのⅡa+Ⅱc病変とほぼ同様の形態を呈していた.自験例はⅡa→Ⅱc+Ⅱaの形態変化を示したが,発育速度は緩徐であった.表面型大腸癌の発育経過を考えるうえで,自験例は興味深い症例であると考えられた.
A superficial lesion, type Ⅱc + Ⅱa, was observed in the transverse colon of an 81-year-old man patient during colonoscopic surveillance after an operation for sigmoid colon cancer. Barium enema x-ray revealed a depressed lesion with marginal elevation, sized 13 × 10 mm in diameter. By magnifying observation and EUS, the diagnosis of Ⅱc + Ⅱa type cancer with submucosal invasion was made and partial resection of the transverse colon was performed. By reviewing the barium enema x-ray taken three years before, the presence of a IIa type lesion sized 6 mm in diameter was confirmed at the same site. It was similar to another Ⅱa + Ⅱc type mucosal cancer located more proximally at that time. In this case, transition from Ⅱa to Ⅱc + Ⅱa was demonstrated, but its growth had been slow. This case was interesting for considering the natural course of superficial type cancer.

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