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要旨 広範な病変に対する一括切除を目指した手技として,1997年10月より粘膜下層直接切離によるERHSE(S-ERHSE)法を考案し臨床応用しているのでその手技,治療成績について概説した.(手技)病変より5mm以上離して全周性にマーキングする.HGE液を局注する.マーキング部位を全周性に粘膜切開する.病変の辺縁を把持鉗子で挙上し,粘膜下層を針状メスで直接切離する.病変を切除回収する.(成績)34例に施行した.病変平均長径30.7mm(20~90),切除粘膜平均長径50.1mm(30~100),一括切除率79%,完全切除率100%,遺残再発率0%,出血0%,穿孔11.8%,平均在院日数8日であった.(結語)S-ERHSE法は広範囲病変に対する一括切除を可能とし,根治的EMRとして適応を拡大できる手技である.
We have attempted en bloc resection for large lesions of early gastric cancer using the method of S-ERHSE, which the authors devised and have performed, since Oct. 1997. This S-ERHSE (submucosal-endoscopic resection with HSE injection) method is summarized as follows. First step ; circular marking is made 5 mm distant from the lesion. Second step ; local injection of HSE solution into the submucosa to elevate the lesion. Third step ; cutting of the marked mucosa circularly into the submucosa using a scalpel. Forth step ; moving the lesion by forceps and incision of the submucosal layer by scalpel and resection.
34 patients were treated by this S-ERHSE method. The average size of cancer lesions and resected specimens was 30.7 mm (range 20-90) and 50.1 mm (range 30-100) . The rate of en bloc resection and complete curative resection and residual resection was 79%, 100% and 0%, respectively. The rate of perforation and hemorrhage was 11.8% and 0%. The average length of hospital stay was 8 days. In conclusion, the S-ERHSE method is excellent for en bloc resection of large size cancer lesions. Through this procedure, the number of cases indicated for curative endoscopic mucosal resection can be magnified.

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