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要旨 Crohn病に合併した大腸癌4例(以下CD合併大腸癌)の臨床病理学的特徴を検討した.さらに,その4例に本邦報告例11例を加え,本邦におけるCD合併大腸癌の特徴をまとめた.自験例を含む本邦報告例15例の特徴として(1)癌の診断時年齢は平均52.7年と若年であった.(2)癌発症までの罹病期間は平均15.2年と長期間であった.(3)発生部位は,すべてCrohn病の病変内に発生し,15例中4例では,その近傍に痔瘻,瘻孔を伴っていた.(4)すべて単発の癌であった.(5)15例中1例に,dysplasiaが認められた.(6)組織型は,15例中7例(46.7%)が粘液癌であった.若年発症,長期の罹病期間,Crohn病の病変内に癌が存在すること,比較的まれな粘液癌を高率に合併していたことより,Crohn病による長期間の炎症性変化が,発癌に関与していることが示唆された.また,通常,非IBD大腸粘液癌はp53過剰発現の頻度は低いのに対し,Crohn病に合併した大腸粘液癌3例すべてにp53過剰発現が認められた.そのことより,Crohn病合併大腸癌でも,潰瘍性大腸炎と同様,p53過剰発現が発癌に関与していると考えられた.
We reviewed the clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical findings of four cases of Crohn's disease (CD)-related colorectal adenocarcinoma. Combining our four cases with the previously described eleven case reports in the Japanese literature, we discussed the clinicopathologic features of the fifteen patients with CD-related colorectal adenocarcinoma as follow; 1. The mean age at the diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma was 52.7 years old. 2. The mean period of CD suffered before the diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma was 15.2 years. 3. All of the colorectal carcinomas were located in the CD-involved area. And four colorectal carcinomas were located near the fistula. 4. All of the fifteen colorectal carcinomas were solitary. 5. One case had dysplasia adjacent to CD-related colorectal adenocarcinoma. 6. Histologically, 46.7% of CD-related colorectal adenocarcinomas were mucinous carcinomas. 7. Immunohistochemically, three mucinous carcinomas in our series were strongly positive for p53 staining.
In conclusion, a long period of colonic inflammation caused by CD, was considered to be associated with the carcinogenesis of colorectal carcinoma. Although sporadic mucinous carcinomas rarely reveal p53 overexpression, three CD-related mucinous carcinomas revealed p53 overexpression in the present study. These results suggested that p53 abnormalities played an important role in CD-related colorectal adenocarcinoma.
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