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Importance of the Detailed Surface Structures in the Assessment of Depth of Invasion of Early Colorectal Carcinoma: Comparative Study with Barium Enema and High-frequency Ultrasound Probe Yusuke Saitoh 1 , Jiro Watari 1 , Takanori Fujiki 1 1The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Asahikawa Medical College Keyword: 早期大腸癌 , 微細表面構造 , 深達度診断 , 拡大内視鏡 , 超音波細径プローブ pp.1365-1377
Published Date 1996/10/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403104422
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 During the period between April of 1990 and March of 1996, 628 lesions of early colorectal carcinoma were studied to clarify the importance of the detailed surface structures for the diagnosis of depth of invasion in the early colorectal carcinoma. Submucosal invasion rates of the protruded type Ⅰp (pedunculated), Ⅰsp (subpedunculatred) and flat elevated nodule aggregating type were 10.3%, 20.9%,14.5%, respectively, submucosal massive invasion was infrequent. Submucosal invasion rates were high in the slightly depressed type (Ⅱc, 52.9%) and flat elevated with depression type (Ⅱa + Ⅱc, 86.7%) and many cases had massive invasion. Those results were consistent with previously reported invasion rates. In the protruded type Is and flat elevated type Ⅱa, Submucosal invasion rates were 40.2% and 38.1%, respectively. Therefore, we should be deliberate in diagnosing the depth of invasion of the protruded type Ⅰs and flat elevated type Ⅱa that were generally thought to be less aggressive than the types Ⅱc, and Ⅱa + Ⅱc. The diagnostic accuracy rates of depth of invasion of submucosal carcinoma by the detailed classification (sm1, sm2, sm3) were 36.2% in barium enema,31.5% in colonoscopic examination, and 61% in high-frequency ultrasound probe (HFUP). Thus, HFSP was an useful imaging technique in determining the depth of invasion of the submucosal involvement. In all protruded type, flat elevated type, and flat elevated nodule aggregating type, diagnosis of depth of invasion could not be correctly made only by detailed surface structure assessed by colonoscopic examination. On the other hand, in the types Ⅱc and Ⅱa + Ⅱc, assessment of detailed surface structure of the depressed floor was useful for diagnosis of depth of invasion. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the diagnostic accuracy rate of depth of invasion between magnified colonoscopic examination and conventional colonoscopic examination. In conclusion, the diagnosis of depth of invasion should be made by the combination of X-ray examination, colonoscopic examination (including magnified colonoscopic examination) and HFUP.

Copyright © 1996, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


