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要旨 ヒトに寄生する多節条虫の種類は多いが,広節裂頭条虫,無鉤条虫などの大型条虫の感染によって,腹部不定愁訴が発現することがある.その診断は虫卵検査を行えば簡単に行えるが,画像診断を行う意義はその病態,特に条虫の小腸内寄生の状況を把握することである.X線検査の二重造影では描出は困難であり,圧迫法が効果をあげる.しかし単純に圧迫するのではなく,数秒間にわたって圧迫を継続していると,ふいに体節が視野に出現して識別できる.
Today, the tapeworm is one of the rate and decreasing parasites, however, its pathophysiological features in the human intestine is not adequately defined. By discovering their eggs in the feces, clinical diagnosis of the presence the tapeworm is not difficult, while radiological and endoscopic diagnosis is not easy. To demonstrate a segment of the tapeworm, the compression techinique is much more effective than the doublecontrast method. Enteroscopy is useful for observing the head of the worm in the intestine. In this case, the head of a broad tapewrom (Diphylobothrium lactum) was revealed, to locate in the upper jejunum.
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