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要旨 1994年から2001年までの7年間に当センターで診断され,十分な病理学的検索がなされたm3・sm1例は11例あった.外科的切除された8例は全例リンパ節転移を認めなかった.肉眼型は0-Ⅱc型が7例,0-Ⅱc+Ⅱa型が1例であった.深達度診断をみると,0-Ⅱc型の7例中,病変の中に凹凸が目立った3例は診断でき,0-Ⅱc+Ⅱa型の例は肉眼型だけからm3以深と診断しえた.一方,深達度診断が困難であった例の肉眼型は全例0-Ⅱc型であり,m3の例では,病変の中に目立った凹凸を指摘できなかった.m3に浸潤した部の最長径を計測したところ,深達度診断が可能であった例は3~14mm(平均7.25mm),深達度診断が困難であった例はO.5~17mm(平均5.5mm)であった.sm1の例では,突然sm1に浸潤する例はなく,sm1の周囲にはm3があり,m3の一部でsm1に浸潤する様式であった.X線学的にm3・sm1の診断は,粘膜像では透亮像とバリウム斑の組み合わせ,辺縁像では凹凸不整の程度の分析で可能になる.
Eleven cases of m3 and sm1 carcinomas were detected and examined in our center within the last 7 years. Eight were resected by surgical procedures and three were dealt with by endoscopic mucosal resection. (1) In the morphological study, seven showed 0-Ⅱc type and only one showed Ⅱc+Ⅱa type. The latter was diagnosed as m3. (2) By the longitudinal diameter of the part affected by m3 invasion, three correctly diagnosed cases showed 3~14 mm in length (mean 7.25 mm). On the other hand, three cases misdiagnosed showed 0.5~17 mm in length (mean 5.5 mm). (3) The two cases of sm1 showed 2 mm in depth of invasion and were accompanied by m3. (4) In the radiological study, the depth of cancerous invasion was diagnosed by the frontal and lateral view of the lesion. The radiolucent area shows the thickness of the cancerous invasion and marginal irregularity shows the roughness of the cancerous surface.

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